Sunday 25 January 2015

Script /Written Interpretation | Wonder

ExT. outside of Forest - Day
It is a foggy, cold landscape, as the wind howls through the outskirts of the murky forest, a lonely SNOWMAN sits still in the empty snowy space, looking at the ground. The bushes and trees rustle against each other, being pushed by the wind.
 Minutes feel like hours for the Snowman, as he sits still, wondering in his empty mind of what his purpose could be in life. Suddenly, coming from the left, a weary, middle aged man in a long coat approaches the snowman. THE TRAVELER at first walks past the Snowman but then looks back at him, knowing that it wasn't a everyday snowman.
The Traveler
Are you lost little one?
The Snowman
Warmth... I need warmth...
The Traveler instantly knows where to take the snowman and so he picks some snow and makes arms and legs for the snowman, placing them onto it. The snowman stands up and admires its arms and legs, looking up to the Traveler it smiles and begins to walk back and forth.

Come on then, I know a place what has warmth.
The Traveler gives the sign for the snowman to follow, the snowman, in a slow speed, follows the Traveler, carefully taking each step as if its tip toeing.
As the two continue their journey for warmth, the two hear some noises, the two then pick up the pace of their walking. As the noise of muffled footsteps get louder, the traveler hides behind a tree whilst the snowman stands still. The cause of the noise is a group of bandits, all equip with heavy blunt weapons and scrap metal armor. The noise of rattling chains and boots that sinks into the thick snow echoes through the air, making everything else silence. The Traveler's breathing becomes heavy and the snowman remained still, confused of whats going on. The bandits look up and down the snowman and smirk, they walk on, however, one is left behind and attempts to smash the snowman. The bandit gets ready to swing his club, until, leaping out of the bushes out came the Traveler, grabbing hold of the club and then punching the bandit square in the face. Causing the bandit to collapse onto the thick snow. The Traveler then draws his sword and thrusts it into the bandits stomach, causing the bandit to yelp quietly. The Travelertakes the sword out of the bandit's stomach and drags the body behind the tree, then joining the snowman to see if he is alright.

 the traveler
We must press on. Come on.
Ext. forest - EVENING
 The two enter the forest, hearing the natural sounds of owls and crickets. The sun begins to slowly hide behind the snowy hills, causing the sky to change color to a blood orange. The Traveler and The Snowman continue to walk, stepping on branches and twigs, causing loud snapping sounds. On serval occasions, The Traveler will turn and whisper to The Snowman to be quiet.
The Traveler
Suddenly, the two stop by the sounds of twigs snapping in the distance. The Traveler points his sword forward and slowly continues to walk, whilst placing his hand flat on The Snowman's chest. Everything goes quiet and all you can hear is their soft footsteps on the wet mud. In front of them, they see a group of bandits sitting around a fire, cooking what seems to be a roasted duck on a stick. The Traveler and The Snowman slowy creep round them by hiding behind the bushes and trees, until, by accident, The Snowman falls over and causes a loud rustle noise in the bushes. The bandits all get up and draw their weapons, approaching the bush all armed and ready. In the nick of time, The Traveler pops his head out of the bush and throws a stone in the distance, causing all the bandits to look. The two run for it, the bandits follow, grunting and yelling in anger.
Bandit 1
Come ere you scum!
Bandit 2
I want to break all your bones and eat the marrow!
The Traveler and The Snowman continue to run, jumping over logs and fallen trees along the way. Until they reach outside the forest.

 ext. Cliff - NIGHT
Coming out of the forest, The Traveler and The Snowman reach a cliff, leading into a deep, dark what seems to be a never ending abyss. The Traveler looks back at the bandits and then points into the distance, indicating The Snowman of that is where the warmth is. He then takes The Snowman apart and throws each limb across the other side, The Snowman rebuilds himself and gets up, full of confusion of why The Traveler would do such a thing. The Traveler on the other side of the cliff, waves goodbye and draws his sword once more and heads back to deal with the bandits. The Snowman slowly turns and walks in a slow pace.
 ext. Field - night
The Snowman continues to walk, everything is quiet now, all he can hear is the sound of crickets and the wind. Light begins to show in front of The Snowman, he picks up his pace and becomes face to face with a lamp post. He stands under it and closes it's eyes. Gradually melting. As time slowly went by, The Snowman was nothing but a lump of snow, with two coal like eyes on the top and the carrot on the side.

The end.