Sunday 8 June 2014

Representations of Ethics in Animations | Project 2 | Research

Why does the write of the article believe Rio 2 is problematic in terms of its representations?
The writer believes that the movie can be seem to be racist when it comes to the actors playing the characters. He makes clear that there is some racial pyramid uses within the movie for example all the white-voiced characters at the top (British underneath America) while darker brown skinned voice characters are at the bottom.
What are PEPs and why are they an issue for racial representation?
PEPs stands for Problem contexts, Entertainment contexts, and Performance contexts. He tells us how black people have to be above normal in animated films, they either have to excite the audience or act the villain to play a part.
Why does Da Costa believe we end up with stereotypes in animation?
He believes that animation companies are sell outs moreover they try and gain more for themselves. They choose the financial gain over moral obligation which causes the film to be rushes and racial stereotypes aren't dealt with.
What does Turbo say about social mobility?
Turbo tells us that social mobility is only available for white people, while the other characters (blacks, Mexicans and so on) are given stereotypical jobs, for example the Mexican characters in Turbo are given jobs at a Taco Stand.

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