Thursday 11 June 2015

Edit and Evaluation | Wonder

Adobe Photoshop Editing Screenshot
This was the first initial stages of the animation in which we had decided to use Photoshop to rotoscope the animation prior to using ToonBoom to edit the final animation. This was the first stages of rotoscoping, we used the frames that we drew in this photoshop document in the final edit combined with the frames rotoscoped using the ToonBoom software. 
The first stage was to import the video clips into photoshop in which photoshop then converts them into individual frames that can be drawn over individually.
From there on we drew over each frame ensuring that the layer and timeline matched at the bottom and right hand side of the screen.
Once the frames were draw round and the correct frame rates were set we could then export the final animation into a moving image product breaking it up by different scenes and compiling it in premiere.

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