Wednesday 10 June 2015

Risk Assessment | Wonder

Risk (high/med/low)
Measures to reduce risk +impact
Risk after measures taken

The use of a DSLR camera


When filming the camera could be dropped which
would cause it to break. To make sure that the camera is not damaged in any way we will use the strap around our necks when filming to make sure that if it is dropped then it wouldn’t fall to the ground. We will also make sure that when the camera is not in use we will put the lens cap on to make sure that the lens doesn’t get damaged.  


The use of a tripod


When using a tripod there are many risks that need to be taken into consideration. Due to the fact that we are filming in college its going to busy when we are filming so leaving a tripod out could be a liability as people may not see it and trip over it. We are going to make sure that the tripod is only up when its being used and when its not being used we will put it down and put it back in the bag and carry the bag which means that people will not fall over it and it will be not laying around the floor whilst we are filming.


Weather conditions


Parts of the filming are done outside which means we need to take the weather into consideration. If it starts to rain whilst we are filming this could cause a lot od damage to the equipment that we are using. We are planning ahead and have checked the weather, which is supposed to be nice and sunny on the 15th May.

Consent form others around the college if they are in the background footage

Due to the fact that we are filming in college means that there are a lot of people walking around the college. We need to make sure that anyone who is shown in the footage has given their consent to appear in the animation. To show people that we are filming and to make sure that they don’t just walk in front of the camera in the middle of the shoot we will be wearing high visablity jackets whilst filming. We will also use a filming in progress sign, which will be up around the area to show that we are filming at that moment in time.


The use of a laptop


Using a laptop could give us many risks that we need to take into consideration. We will be using a laptop to log the footage and to also rotoscope the footage after it has been filmed and logged. To make sure that no damage to caused to us or the laptops we will make sure that food or drink is not consumed in the area and also that when carrying the laptops to and from the fridge we will use both hands and not carry lots of things are once.


Tripping over wires


To make sure that no one trips over any wires we will make sure that they aren’t just dragging all over the floor when we are editing the footage. If a wire does have to sit along the floor we will put a sign up next to it to make sure everyone is aware of this and is carful when in the room.


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